Wednesday 24 February 2016


Scanning Job Advertisements

Hello everybody,

Task 1:

Pick one/two relevant jobs for yourself from each website.
Here are three good websites that you can scan: Job BankMonster.caand Charity Village

Task 2:

Summarize the three main job duties for each ad, and the main requirements as well.

Task 3:

Check this link, and write down at least five new ideas that you learned from it. 
Pick your peers' brains for their ideas, and add more to yours.

Storytelling during a job interview is an excellent way to share your experience and skills.
-Don’t stop applying for jobs
-It’s acceptable to apply for the same job more than once
-Never say anything bad about a previous employer
-Be Yourself

Task 4:

Another excellent career site is here. Click on it and plan your career accordingly.
Then, assess your abilities through this website. After you have done, please write down a short summary about your future plan based on the information and date you have learned today. 

Task 1:

Pick one/two relevant jobs for yourself from each website.
Here are three good websites that you can scan: Job BankMonster.caand Charity Village

Task 2:

Summarize the three main job duties for each ad, and the main requirements as well.

Task 3:

Check this link, and write down at least five new ideas that you learned from it. 
Pick your peers' brains for their ideas, and add more to yours.

Task 4:

Another excellent career site is here. Click on it and plan your career accordingly.
Then, assess your abilities through this website. After you have done, please write down a short summary about your future plan based on the information and date you have learned today. 

Tuesday 23 February 2016


Good morning everyone,

Task one:

In order to get familiar with the Canadian workplace, there are a lot of things we need to consider. Click
 on this link and follow the instructions given. 
Task two:

Here is a list of business idioms that are taken from this website. Please go over them and try to understand each one’s meaning and then follow the tasks below.

Pick five to six of the following idioms and use them in sentences of your own.

Take three:
Compose a short story about any event/meeting that has happened to you at your previous workplace. Use at least five to six from these idioms n your story.
Request two from your peers to check and edit your work before you publish it on your blog.

time's up
"Time's up" means that the time for something or someone has ended.
I think his time's up as the CEO. They're going to replace him as soon as they find a suitable candidate.
touch base
To "touch base¨ means to make contact with someone.
Let me make a few phone calls to try to get an answer to your question. I'll touch base with you later today.
twist someone's arm
To "twist someone's arm" means to persuade or convince someone to do something that he or she does not want to do.
The owner thought the advertising budget was a little high. We had to twist his arm to get him to agree to it.
under the table
Something done secretly (and usually illegally) in the business world is done "under the table."
To avoid paying taxes, they paid some of their employees under the table.
up in the air
If something is undecided, it is "up in the air."
We're looking for a test market right now, but nothing has been decided yet. Everything's still up in the air.
uphill battle
Something that is difficult to achieve because of obstacles and difficulties is an ¨uphill battle.¨
Winning the election is going to be an uphill battle. He doesn't have a lot of support at the moment.
upper hand
If someone has an advantage over someone else, he or she has the "upper hand."
He was more experienced and well respected, so he had the upper hand in the argument.
white collar
A ¨white collar worker¨ is someone who works in an office (customer service, management, sales, etc.) The opposite of a white collar worker is a ¨blue collar worker.¨ A blue collar worker is someone who works with his or her hands (manufacturing, construction, maintenance, etc.) ¨White collar¨ (and ¨blue collar¨can also be used to describe a job, position, or place.
There are mostly manufacturing positions here. There aren't a lot of white-collar jobs here.
win-win situation
A "win-win situation" is a situation where everyone involved gains something.
We were happy to get the contract, and they were happy to get such a good price. It was a win-win situation.
word of mouth
If something spreads by "word of mouth," people hear about it by informal conversation with friends, family members, acquaintances, etc.
A lot of local restaurants rely on word of mouth to get new customers.
writing on the wall
The "writing on the wall" refers to the evidence and clues that something (usually negative) is going to happen.
I'm going to get my resume ready. I can see the writing on the wall.
yes man
A ¨yes man¨ is someone who always agrees with his or her superiors.
The company isn't looking to hire someone who is going to try to make a lot of changes. They're basically just looking for a yes man.

It is an uphill battle for people to find a job in Canada if they don’t speak English well. Therefore, a lot of newcomers try to look for the blue collar jobs instead of white collar jobs. However, if people want to succeed in this country, they have to go extra mile for learning English. English speaking will go through the roof if they can practice every day. People have to be confident and also keep their eye on the ball in order to achieve their goals. 

Monday 8 February 2016

Good morning, our first activity this morning is on accent reduction. Do you have an accent? How thick is your accent? How much have you spent on accent reduction?

Everybody has an accent. Is your accent sin or sick, thin or thick? More cartoons here.

How important is it to have a Canadian or North American accent? Why? Discuss with a partner.

Here are your tasks:
  1. Check out the following accent reduction programs:
    1. Accent Master
    2. Accent School
    3. Accent Science Systems
    4. Test Den
    5. Udemy
  2. Fill in the following table:
Rank (Best = 1)
Accent Master
free trails 

1280/12 session

Accent School

255/5-60 mins lessons

Accent Science Systems

Test Den




Post the table of your results on your blog. Feel free to comment specifically on Accent Science Systems. Then visit your classmates' blogs and publish your comments.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Work Habits

The Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) lists work habits in noun form, e.g. reliability or punctuality. However, when speaking about yourself, you can express these skills or work habits as adjectives.
For example: I am a reliable worker. I am punctual.

You can also describe how you demonstrate the qualities you have by giving examples.
I am punctual. I use my time effectively and produce work on time.

Task 1:      

For each of the nouns, write an adjective that can describe a person.Then put it in sentence of your own.

we can trust her, because she is reliable
It is necessary to do organizational work in the workplace.  
If you want to be successful, you need to be confident


This job requires that people can work in flexible hours.  


she is very knowledgeable in this field, we need to trust her 
being a punctual person is very necessary in workplace

Task 2:
Write a sentence for each of the OSP work habits you think you have. Use examples from your work and day-to-day experience.

Working Habits
Examples from your experience

Working Safely




Working Independently



Customer Service
