Monday 5 October 2015

Monday's assginment

Dealing with Culture Shock

Task 1:

Write a two-three paragraphs to describe your experience with culture shock. Talk about the following areas:
  • Which stage do you think yourself at?
  • Did you pass through all the stages?
  • What did you do to overcome your culture shock?
  • What kind of advice(s) would you give to a family member or a friend to help him/her overcome culture shock?
    I came here ten years ago and studied in a private college as an international student. When I left my home and away from my parents, I was so excited. No one interfered to my life and I could do whatever I wanted. Therefore, I was at the honeymoon stage at that time. And then I quickly went to the third stage, because the place I was living was all around Chinese people. If I have problem, I can go for the school counselors anytime. I don’t even worry about my language skill. Everything was set up for me. The only thing I have to do was studying until I went to the university. I was in the different place and started to rely on myself. I had to find a place to live, register my program, pay my tuition fee, and so on.  At this moment, the language barrier was the major problem I had encounter during the life. I was sort of going back the second stage. I had many issues during the school years. I had been away from the school and tried to overcome all my problems. I did whatever I could to get through them.
     Now I am here with a nice family and an adorable kid. When I recall the memories on the past, I don’t regret it. I am glad that I have those experiences. It makes me mature and strong. If anyone asks me how you have been survived, I can’t give them any tips or ways to help you out honestly. Everyone has his own problems. They may have a lot of different ways to solve the problems. However, I do have some suggestions that you have to trust yourself if you want to reach your goals. No matter how hard it will be, you need to look for the hope in order to let yourself see the twilight. 

version 2:

 I came here ten years ago and studied in a private college as an international student. When I left my home and went away from my parents, I was so excited. No one interfered in my life and I could do whatever I wanted. Therefore, I was at the honeymoon stage at that time. Then, I quickly went to the third stage, because the place I was living at was all around Chinese people. If I have problems, I can go for the school counselors at anytime. I didn’t even worry about my language skills. Everything was set up for me. The only thing I had to do was studying until I went to the university. I was in the different location and started to rely on myself. I had to find a place to live, register my program, pay my tuition fee, and so on.  At this moment, the language barrier was the major problem I had encountered during that period. I was sort of going back to the second stage. I didn't understand any word which came out from the professors' mouth. I couldn't understand the lectures which the professors talked about. I realized that I couldn't keep going like this. I had to do something to help me get through these. Therefore, I decided to live with a nice native family. I was forced myself to talk with them in English everyday. No matter what I heard, I watched or I spoken was all English. After four years, my English speaking was improved rapidly. 
     Now I have a nice family and an adorable kid. When I recall the memories on the past, I don’t regret it. I am glad that I have those experiences. It makes me mature and strong. If anyone asks me how you have survived, I can’t give them any tips or ways to help them out honestly. Everyone has his own problems. They may have a lot of different ways to solve the problems. However, I do have some suggestions that you have to trust yourself if you want to reach your goals. No matter how hard it will be, you need to look for the hope in order to let yourself see the twilight. 

Task 2:

List some strategies/ways/activities you will use or advice a close friend or a family member to do or use in order to reverse any symptoms of culture shock.

- You have to be patient, don't rush to do anything before you think. 
- If you want to send your children to go oversea, please ask them to be independent, be prepared. 
- Trust yourself, human can do anything if they will. We are powerful. 
- Never give up in front of the goals. 
- always think it positively which can release some stress from you. 

Task 3:

Before publishing your experience on your blog, ask two of your peers to edit it for you, and then you can publish it on your blog then.

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