Saturday 10 October 2015

Thanks Giving

Thanks to Natasha for preparing some Thanks Giving materials for us to watch!

Task 1:

Article to be read in class:

Watch these videos

Write a quick summary about  both the article and the videos; try to elaborate on what Thanks Giving mean from the Canadian's point of view and include some idioms that were mentioned.
1. is the bird ready yet?
2.  I am going to stuff the turkey. 
3. it even falls on a different day than yours.
   The article says that there are some differences between American thanksgiving and Canadian thanksgiving. Firstly, Canadian thanksgiving is on the different day from American. Secondly, Canadian can have many variety of food on Thanksgiving day. 

  The guy made a video of how to cook the turkey for thanksgiving. He had to prepare every ingredient before roasting the turkey. Firstly, he needed to defreeze the turkey. Secondly, he had to cut the bread, onion and celery into pieces. Thirdly, he mixed the poultry seasoning with the vegetables which he cut .  Then, he stuffed the vegetable mixture into the turkey cavity and sewed the cavity.  Lastly, he put the whole turkey into the oven for roasting. After the turkey was ready, the people could took the stuffing out and then serve it with the turkey. 

I feel that the Canadian consider this thanksgiving day as the big day. They not only prepare turkey for thanksgiving dinner, but also cook other foods for the dinner. The Canadian think that they have their own festival which is totally different from American. 
Task 2: 

Now comes our time for our field trip report writing. As we used to do, please write one/two paragraph(s) describing your experience on yesterday's field trip.
Try to include the following ideas in your writing:
  • Some background information about the field trip--> location, place's name, history (if you know it)...etc
  • Things you liked, and why
  • Things you didn't like, and why
  • Things that you have learnt
  • Things you would like to learn more about

It was the first time for me to visit AGO. We had about one hour tour in this an amazing building. What impressed me the most was a painting named the massacre of the innocent. It was full of slaughter and death. The dead babies really caught my feeling. I saw that a mom was trying to safe her child, but she couldn't do anything except watching her child die. The story was so tragic. Even if I took the picture of that painting, I couldn't see it again. That  was the reason I disliked the painting. Although my strong feeling let me hate this story and the drawing, it also told us that how powerful the painting was. The art did a great job and showed everybody what he was trying to say. I really hope that we don't have this happen nowaday. As a mom, watching the babies die really hurt my heart. I am so glad I am living in 21 century and this peaceful country so that I can leave my child a safe life. However, the tour was short so that I didn't catch all the works. I am sure that they have many interesting stories behind the works. I like the works that can make me happy, that's why I enjoy the keya's museum a lot. If I can, I would like to visit the keya's museum instead of AGO. However, it is good to know about the history through the works. 

Ask two of your peers to edit and post for your instructor's feedback:)

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