Wednesday 18 November 2015

monday's assginment

Canadian History


Canadian Culture

This week’s theme is about the Canadian history.
The first link is an introduction to Canada. Play this link, and then answer the following questions:
  1. How many provinces are there in Canada?
      There are 10 provinces.
  1. Which cities are the capitals of China, United States, and Canada?
       Beijing is the capital of china. Washington D.C is the capital of United States. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. 
  1. Which is the largest city in Canada?
Toronto is the largest city in Canada
  1. What does "CN" in CN Tower stand for?
   CN stands for Canadian National. 
  1. Write the meaning of the following words, place each one in a sentence of your own, and then find at least two more new vocabulary and add them to the list:
    1. Landmark, 
    2. adjoins, 
    3. coastal, 
    4. peninsula
    5. ................
    6. ................

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