Monday 30 November 2015

Monday's assignment

Good morning everyone,

Since we are getting closer to the end of 2015, we need to come up with some new year’s resolutions for 2016.

Task 1:

Write one paragraph on your new year’s resolution; what you want to quit or have less of, and what you feel like working on or increasing, and why.

Time flies, since there is only one month left in this year. I’d like to give myself a plan for next year. Firstly, I have been attending LINC program for a few months and have found a number of things I had to work on. I will practice more listening especially news. I will also need to increase my vocabulary to improve my second language. Meanwhile, writing will be another thing that I will practice. Secondly, I will do more exercise to keep healthy due to the weight I have gained during the pregnancy. Thirdly, I will review and study my academic work before looking for a job. Finally, I will limit myself on using ipad, because I spent too much time on it with doing nothing. To sum up, I hope that I will follow this plan and achieve my goals next year.

Task 2:

Ask one of your peers to proofread

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