Wednesday 27 January 2016


Hello all,

Today’s task is actually very interesting. I came across this excellent website while I was browsing the internet for good ideas. Please make sure to finish the task max by Wednesday 2:30, as this is counted to your attendance :)

Task 1:

Click on that link and answer all the phrasal verbs (1 to 8) and prepositions exercises (1 to 10). You can check your answers once you are done and by that you will learn them better. Don’t stop until you get ALL the answers correct. You are free to answer more stuff as you wish.

Task 2:
Write a short story on anything you want to share with the class; you have to use at least 10 phrasal verbs and 10 preposition that you have just learnt on your story.

Everyone has been through culture shock if they move from one place to another. As we know, culture shock has four stages. In my point of view, the second stage is very important, because it forces you to flip the coin in future. This stage can last for a few months or even a few years. For me, I spent two years in getting around my problems to move on. You have to remember that you should never give up when the problems come to you and you need to deal with the problems at hand. Let me lead off by saying how proud I am. Over the past years, I had no one to rely on and a number of problems were waiting for me to work out. I had to fight by myself, so I set up a few goals to work on. I knew from the beginning that I had nothing to lose, so I let on that my life was peachy and I had to enjoy it. However, it turned out that I was right, because I received much more than I lost from life. I really thanked for those years that I didn’t miss out on putting together a new life. It makes me strong and makes my life colourful. I am satisfied with everything I have now. The life goes on. If you don’t want to fall behind, you need to stand up and work hard. I believe that one day, my life will be taking off. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job Monique! It is good to see you using the new vocabulary.
