Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Task 1:

Use the Blue Pages to find the number you would call in the following situations.
1. You want to find a recreation centre near your home.
Heading and level of government: 

Prosserman Jewish Community Centre

Department/Phone #: 416-638-1881
2. You need to find a long-term care facility for an elderly relative.
Heading and level of government: 

Delmanor Northtown 

Department/Phone #: 416-225-9146
3. A car ran over a squirrel in front of your house and the squirrel is dead. You need to call someone to come and remove the animal.
Heading and level of government:  toronto wildlife centre
Department/Phone #: 416-631-0662
4. You want to find out where you can take a road test to get your driver’s license.
Heading and level of government: drive test
Department/Phone #: 1-888-570-6110
5. Your employer asked you to work overtime but has not paid you anything extra. You want to know what your rights are.
Heading and level of government: 
Department/Phone #:
6. You have a temporary disability (you broke your leg) and you need to get an accessibility sticker for your car that allows you to park in accessible parking places.
Heading and level of government:
Department/Phone #:
7. You received a notice with your automobile plate renewal notification that your car has to have an emissions test before you can renew your plate this year. You need to find a garage in your area that does emissions tests.
Heading and level of government:
Department/Phone #:
8. The snow has not been removed from your street for several weeks and you can’t get your car out of the driveway.
Heading and level of government:
Department/Phone #:

A- Find synonyms in the article for the following words.

1. get       obtain                   7. profits proceeds
2. dishonestly   fraudulently         8. very large; huge  massive
3. increased in size   expanded  9. vulnerable susceptible
4. are more than   exceed    10. victimize prey
5. honest     legitimate              11. unwilling  reluctant
6. common   pervasive   12. the object of attention target

B-  Choose True or False.

1. Fraudulent telemarketers sometimes pretend to be legitimate charities seeking a donation. T F
2. All telemarketing is dishonest. T F
3. Many fraudulent telemarketers are never caught and punished. T F
4. Fraudulent telemarketing is attractive to criminals because of the potential to make 
large amounts of money with little investment. T F
5. Organized crime is responsible for most telemarketing fraud. T F
6. Fraudulent telemarketers target seniors because they have more money. T F
7. A victim of telemarketing fraud is at higher risk of being victimized again. T F
8. Seniors may not report being victimized by a telemarketing fraud because they
are afraid of what their family will say. T F

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