Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Calling About a Missed Appointment
Missing a scheduled appointment without providing notification is considered rude. If you inadvertently miss an appointment with a service provider or someone you’ve arranged to meet with, you should call to apologize and offer an explanation.
If you miss an appointment with a healthcare provider, you may have to pay for the missed appointment. Many healthcare providers require 24 hours’ notice to cancel an appointment.
Task 1:
Listen to the following telephone conversation in which a patient is apologizing for missing an appointment. As you listen, fill in the blanks.
Hospital: Good morning. Princess Margaret Lung Scan Study.
Patient: Oh, hello. I had an appointment for a lung scan on Monday and I’m terrible sorry but I ……miss……the appointment. I apologize . I just didn’t notice it on my calendar
Hospital: Okay. may I have your name, please?
Patient: Yes, it’s Vivian Bryce – that’s B-R-Y-C-E. My appointment was for 9:45 a.m. on Monday the 12th. I was wondering if I could possibly …reschedule………….?
Hospital: Let’s see. how about Wednesday the 21st at 9:15am?
Patient: No, I’m not available on the 21st. Do you have …anything……. on Friday the 23rd?
Hospital: Yes, how about 10:30 a.m.?
Patient: Perfect. so that it's Friday the 23rd at 10:30 a.m. Bye.
Hospital: Bye.
Task 2:
Complete the table below with the expressions used to apologize and the explanation used in the above telephone dialogue.
i am terrible sorry. i apologize 
i just didn't notice
i was wondering

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