Friday 18 December 2015

Friday assignment

Task 1:

Below are words from the article. Write the correct letter on each line to match the words with their meanings.

1. intention                     l
a. to explain, make clear
2. assume                        k
b. to give a wrong meaning to; misunderstand
3. empathize                   e
c. to call attention to; make important
4. disapproval                 d
d. lack of approval
5. misinterpret                 b
e. to understand another’s feelings or motives
6. emphasize                   c
f. a general rule or idea that is inferred from particular facts or examples
7. clarify                         a
g. accepted to be true without proof
8. rapport                        j
h. an oversimplified mental picture of a group of people
9. stereotype                   h
i. to help something happen
10. claim                         g
j. a harmonious relationship with someone
11. promote                     i 
k. to maintain; say as a fact
12. generalization            f
l. the purpose behind an action or statement
Task 2:

Write a noun for each of the verbs below. Use either the noun or the verb form in sentences.


I can perceive his  sadness from the look on his face
I assume that you are right about this 
He has a gift for empathy 
Those facts disapprove that the result is incorrect 
People from different culture can misinterpret each other when they communicate
Some people don't care about studying English although we emphasize the importance of language learning for so many times
Let's clarify that this essay has to be written in academic formal way. 
we can generalize the effect of this drug based on many cases

Task 3: 

Click on this link to record your answer for the following questions. Then, copy the link once you are satisfied with your recording, and paste it on your blog, together with your previous answers.

Talk about an experience you once had when you misunderstood or were misunderstood by another person and that created an argument. What was your reaction and what did you do to resolve the problem?

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Monday assignment

Good morning everybody, Today we have a few tasks to do. 

First, click on this link and read the handout well, and then answer the exercises provided. 

Second, listen to these songs, pick out three to four new words for you from each song, and use them in sentences of your own.

 Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

Oh Canada

So, this is Christmas

New vocabulary
Oh Canada
So this is Christmas


This patriot's face is glowing,
whenever he talks about his country

call him names

People were send to call him names because of his funny pants. I would like to stay with thee.


She clapped her hands with glee. She is happy to see thy family.

Monday 30 November 2015

Monday's assignment

Good morning everyone,

Since we are getting closer to the end of 2015, we need to come up with some new year’s resolutions for 2016.

Task 1:

Write one paragraph on your new year’s resolution; what you want to quit or have less of, and what you feel like working on or increasing, and why.

Time flies, since there is only one month left in this year. I’d like to give myself a plan for next year. Firstly, I have been attending LINC program for a few months and have found a number of things I had to work on. I will practice more listening especially news. I will also need to increase my vocabulary to improve my second language. Meanwhile, writing will be another thing that I will practice. Secondly, I will do more exercise to keep healthy due to the weight I have gained during the pregnancy. Thirdly, I will review and study my academic work before looking for a job. Finally, I will limit myself on using ipad, because I spent too much time on it with doing nothing. To sum up, I hope that I will follow this plan and achieve my goals next year.

Task 2:

Ask one of your peers to proofread

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Wednesday's assignment

Canada's History

Good morning everyone,

We will start this week by talking about Canada’s history. Click on this link and follow the tasks below:

Task 1:

Read your assigned article and make sure to understand it very well. 

Task 2:

Prepare a very short presentation for the rest of your classmates about the article you have just read.

Fort Henry is on the north shore of  St. Lawrence river at Kingston. At the beginning Fort Henry was built by the British during the war of 1812. Then, a bigger and stronger fort was built to protect lake Ontario from attacking of u.s. It was also used to protect naval shipyards and an important waterway between Kingston and Ottawa. Now, there are no more war between US and Canada, so this fort Henry becomes a tourist attraction.

monday's assginment

Canadian History


Canadian Culture

This week’s theme is about the Canadian history.
The first link is an introduction to Canada. Play this link, and then answer the following questions:
  1. How many provinces are there in Canada?
      There are 10 provinces.
  1. Which cities are the capitals of China, United States, and Canada?
       Beijing is the capital of china. Washington D.C is the capital of United States. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. 
  1. Which is the largest city in Canada?
Toronto is the largest city in Canada
  1. What does "CN" in CN Tower stand for?
   CN stands for Canadian National. 
  1. Write the meaning of the following words, place each one in a sentence of your own, and then find at least two more new vocabulary and add them to the list:
    1. Landmark, 
    2. adjoins, 
    3. coastal, 
    4. peninsula
    5. ................
    6. ................

Saturday 10 October 2015

Thanks Giving

Thanks to Natasha for preparing some Thanks Giving materials for us to watch!

Task 1:

Article to be read in class:

Watch these videos

Write a quick summary about  both the article and the videos; try to elaborate on what Thanks Giving mean from the Canadian's point of view and include some idioms that were mentioned.
1. is the bird ready yet?
2.  I am going to stuff the turkey. 
3. it even falls on a different day than yours.
   The article says that there are some differences between American thanksgiving and Canadian thanksgiving. Firstly, Canadian thanksgiving is on the different day from American. Secondly, Canadian can have many variety of food on Thanksgiving day. 

  The guy made a video of how to cook the turkey for thanksgiving. He had to prepare every ingredient before roasting the turkey. Firstly, he needed to defreeze the turkey. Secondly, he had to cut the bread, onion and celery into pieces. Thirdly, he mixed the poultry seasoning with the vegetables which he cut .  Then, he stuffed the vegetable mixture into the turkey cavity and sewed the cavity.  Lastly, he put the whole turkey into the oven for roasting. After the turkey was ready, the people could took the stuffing out and then serve it with the turkey. 

I feel that the Canadian consider this thanksgiving day as the big day. They not only prepare turkey for thanksgiving dinner, but also cook other foods for the dinner. The Canadian think that they have their own festival which is totally different from American. 
Task 2: 

Now comes our time for our field trip report writing. As we used to do, please write one/two paragraph(s) describing your experience on yesterday's field trip.
Try to include the following ideas in your writing:
  • Some background information about the field trip--> location, place's name, history (if you know it)...etc
  • Things you liked, and why
  • Things you didn't like, and why
  • Things that you have learnt
  • Things you would like to learn more about

It was the first time for me to visit AGO. We had about one hour tour in this an amazing building. What impressed me the most was a painting named the massacre of the innocent. It was full of slaughter and death. The dead babies really caught my feeling. I saw that a mom was trying to safe her child, but she couldn't do anything except watching her child die. The story was so tragic. Even if I took the picture of that painting, I couldn't see it again. That  was the reason I disliked the painting. Although my strong feeling let me hate this story and the drawing, it also told us that how powerful the painting was. The art did a great job and showed everybody what he was trying to say. I really hope that we don't have this happen nowaday. As a mom, watching the babies die really hurt my heart. I am so glad I am living in 21 century and this peaceful country so that I can leave my child a safe life. However, the tour was short so that I didn't catch all the works. I am sure that they have many interesting stories behind the works. I like the works that can make me happy, that's why I enjoy the keya's museum a lot. If I can, I would like to visit the keya's museum instead of AGO. However, it is good to know about the history through the works. 

Ask two of your peers to edit and post for your instructor's feedback:)

Friday 9 October 2015

Regulated or not Regulated

Task 1:

Fill the table below and add your own occupations if you can't find it in the table. Write 'R' for regulated, 'L' for licensed, and 'UL' for unlicensed occupations.

Regulated, Licensed, Unlicensed
Governing or Regulatory Body
Social worker
Ontario College of Social Workers & Social Service Workers
Medical laboratory technician
College of Medical Laboratory Technologists of Ontario
Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario
Grade two teacher
College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE)
Early childhood
College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE)
College instructor

The Law Society of Upper Canada
Orchestra conductor
Ministry of Labour (MOL) 
Scientific researcher

Professional Engineers Ontario
the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) 
Airplane mechanic

High  school teacher

Web designer

IT technician

Task 2: 

After you figure out your job and find out if it is regulated, licensed or not, please write down the steps you need to follow to find a job in this field, profession or sector. Click on the following links, this link and that one to help you in your research as well as to track your career map if needed.

I studied Database administration in a private college. I had to take two exams in order to get OCA certification which was the first level. Then, you had to take another exam for OCP certification. If you want to keep going your education, you have to take last two exams in order to get OCE certification. 

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Tuesday's Assignment

Common Collocations
Do, make, and take are used in combination with hundreds of words such as experiment (do an experiment), test (take a test), and noise (make noise).

Task 1:

Which verb completes the phrase? Fill in the table below by ticking the correct column.



1. a lot of noise

2. your homework


3. always _________ excuses


4. breakfast

5. lots of family photos


6. friends easily

7. nothing all the time

8. sugar in your coffee


9. supper


10. the bed

11. the cooking

12. the dishes

13. the ironing

14. the laundry


15. a lot of mistakes

16. the housework

Task 2:

Check your answers with your peers and then use at least five of these collocations to put them in sentences of your own.

when my husband does the dishes, he makes a lot of noise. Therefore, my son can't do his homework well. My dear husband does the cooking and the housework, so I can do nothing all the time. However, I have to do the laundry every week.