Friday 18 September 2015

Farintosh Farms Trip

I didn't go to the farm yesterday because of ultrasound appointment like I said yesterday in the blog. However, yucho shared her story with me about that farm. she told me that she had a lot of fun over there. It took her half an hour driving to get there. There was a huge barn right at the entrance of that farm. people could buy all kinds of food inside the barn. when they past by the barn, there were only cauliflower and beans fields for opening. she chose the beans field because it was easy for her to gather them. By the way, before people went to the fields, there were some baskets and tools available for the guests to pick up the food. After she was done for gathering, there was a place to weigh the products and then to charge people before they left. Yucho bought the beans and an watermelon for eleven dollars. She told me that the sunlight was so strong yesterday, so she sweated a lot and felt so tired. The only thing she didn't like was the washroom's location. It was far from the pick-up area, so she went back home with two dirty hands. when I heard of that, I realized that it was also my problem too. I definitely need to use the ladies' room many times due to my health condition. Nevertheless, everyone had a wonderful day and they all got what they want. Thanks Joseph for taking them to the interesting farm so that they could share their experience with me.