Monday 24 October 2016

Good morning everyone,

Hope that you have enjoyed your weekend. Now, we have a quick writing task to kick off our week.
You will have to choose between two options as follows:

Option A: For the ones who joined us on Friday’s field trip, you need to write a quick trip report elaborating on these questions:
Give a quick description on the location of the field trip;
What were the reasons that you wanted to join this trip?
What impressed you the most?
What did not impress you?
Would you go to that place again? Why?
Share at least one thing that you have learned new from that experience.

 last Friday, we had a very interesting field trip . We went to a golf course which is located in Mississauga. Although the weather was very cold, the students had fun from the tour. The place was huge and beautiful. One of the employees gave us a tour, so we took the golf carts up the hill and the employee showed us how this golf game works on the hill. When they arrived on the top of the hill, the employee allowed them to hit the golf ball for one or two shots. It was raining and our hands were freezing. Everyone acted like robots when they hit the ball. People laughed at each other. It was very nice for us to have this new experience even though we felt that we were going to freeze sooner or later. After 20 minutes of the tour, we went down the hill and into the warm room. However, this was not the end of the trip. The students decided to have lunch together. They went to a breakfast/lunch restaurant, its name is Bobby’s hideaway that they had never tried before. We read the menus and looked confused. Then, Hala gave us some advices about the food choices. They were glad that Hala was there with them; otherwise we would have never known how to order the dishes. Their food was so delicious; people enjoy the food so much. Hala also gave us a small lesson about the different ways to cook eggs which was so helpful for us– newcomers to know. We would never regret to have this new adventure.    

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